South-East and North-East winds are the predominant: North-West winds are frequent in the good season. The issue of along period of observation is that in this season the boreal winds exceed in frequency nearly of the double quantity the austral winds :this last are very strong. The Bora arrives to Brindisi with violence only when it is very strong in the northern Adriatic;
it is strong in the first two days, therefore it is gone more attenuating and rarely it persist more than four days.
Currents and tides:
In inland and medium port the currents generally are weak ; sometimes they arrive at sensitive speeds with prevailing winds or with strong squall of wind.Outside from the port strong wind of the I and IV quadrant runs towards South East along the coast and near of head it arrive at considerable speeds. The tides are little sensitive and catch up their maximum amplitude of cm 44 to the sizigie. The port become stable in 4 hours and 12 minutes.